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a solo journaling game about creating objects infused with personal memories

You are going on a week-long vacation. You are determined to enjoy every visit you go on and come back home with souvenirs from each day, including one for your friend who is taking care of your pet while you’re away.

During the game, you will keep a journal of the places you’re going to and the souvenirs you’re getting. Draw cards each day of your vacation and use prompts to imagine the places you visit, the items you get as souvenirs and the memories they represent.
Make yourself a nice cup of tea, write the diary of your character each day, maybe draw a map of the region and pictures of the items you imagine, or play entirely in your head; and most of all, have a lovely time!

To play, you need a deck of 52 cards and probably your favourite drawing/writing material.

Souvenirs was made as part of the Tiny Keepsake Jam in April 2023. The files include a booklet that's adequate both for reading on a screen and for printing, a pamphlet that can be printed on a A3 size paper and cut, and a plain-text version of the rules for screenreaders.

June 2023 update: the game is now available in french!


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In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Souvenirs_Booklet_June23.pdf 23 MB
Souvenirs_Pamphlet_June23.pdf 15 MB
Souvenirs_PlainText.txt 8 kB
Souvenirs_FR_Livret_Juin23.pdf 23 MB
Souvenirs_FR_Prospectus_Juin23.pdf 15 MB
Souvenirs_FR_Texte.txt 9 kB
Souvenirs_JamVersion.zip 2 MB

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Community copies

Please feel free to take a Community copy of Souvenirs if you can’t afford to pay for it ir for any other reason :)

Community copies availability is made possible by the folks who buy the game, and 5 copies will be added with each purchase.

Development log


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I really enjoyed myself playing this one. It was fun having a little imaginary trip and letting my mind wander for a bit.


Un jeu tout doux pour raconter ses vacances en mode solo journalier. C'est bien expliqué, évocateur et le principe des souvenirs, bien que partant qu'une idée matérialiste, est finalement un joli prétexte pour raconter les sensations qu'on éprouve quand on part en voyage et les liens qui nous unissent aux personnes qu'on aime. Une belle promenade !


Beautiful! Can't wait to play this cute journaling game (and to discover your next TTRPG? :) )


Thank you! Hope you have fun with it :D It was a great experience to make it so i definitely want to make more TTRPGs & other similar projects :)


This an excellent, cozy solo journaling game! The layout and art are beautiful!


Thank you very much, and most importantly thanks for organizing this jam! It was really nice to think about ideas for it and make this game 😊

Absolutely! It's been so fun running this jam and seeing all of the fantastic games that have been made (like this one).